Jewish Spirituality & The Peace

candles.JPGThe Temple in Cleveland, Ohio – at Silver Park in Cleveland,Ohio has a historic synagogue building located at University Circle which was built in 1924 is known as The Temple. The important place for worship was established in suburban Beachwood in 1963 which is a Tifereth-Isarael, branch of synagogue. It is now used for High Holy Days and also for meetings and life cycle events.

B'nai Jeshurun Congregation, the Cleveland Temple on the Heights is one of three remaining Conservative Congregations in Cleveland. The congregation is 146 years old and has a membership of approximately 1000 families.

A synagogue means “house of assembly”. Synagogues are the holy spaces which are not necessary for worship but can be used for the purpose of prayer. Ten Jews can carry out Communal Jewish worship wherever ten Jews assemble. Worship can be carried out alone or in a group.

Shabbat Services:
Shabbat is that Jewish day which is celebrated on 7th day of the week where the Biblical creation of the heavens and the earths are recalled in six days and the Hebrews Exodus look forward to a future Messianic Age. Throughout the many other religion and Abrahamic the variations are widespread in Judaism in Shabbat.
Tot Shabbat:
For the families with pre-school age children, Tot Shabbat occurs twice in a month i.e. on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Children’s are taught Jewish rituals, values and traditions which are important for their early development.

Shabbat Mishpachah:
Children in Kindergarten till 4th grade attend the Shabbat Mishpachah geared toward them, once in a month. To welcome the Shabbat with the congregation, children and parents join together at six pm in Sanctuary. The children are then requested to head towards downstairs for an age appropriate service led by full time teachers and ministry members. The children then join their parents for the prayer conclusion service in the Sanctuary.

Jethro Shabbat:
The father in Law of Moses, Jethro suggests him to appoint others to provide help and levy laws on the disputes of the God to the Israelites, in Torah portion of Yitro. The Central synagogue tributes the legal profession in a service called Jethro Shabbat every year. Renowned members of legal profession are invited to address on a topic of their interest to our congregation.

Shofar Shabbat:
A Jewish person is honored for the contribution made by him for the community by the Central Synagogue which is held every year.
Shabbat Shira:
The Sabbath of song, Shabbat Shira indicates the time to celebrate the music. It is a song of Israel Children after the passage of Red Sea.


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