How often should women shave their legs?
You don’t want hair on your feet - great. This means that you belong to 86% of women who regularly shave their legs.
Shaving at home is the most common way to temporarily remove unwanted leg hair. Razor blades are cheap and it’s easy. How often must this be done? Someone is doing it daily (with patience and mone), someone weekly, someone got random shaving times. When it comes to shaving, the timing is up to you. The way you shave matters more than how often you do it. Ofcourse, summer is summer and winter is winter.
it depends on how quickly your hair grows, and ofcourse, what is surface of your skin, how dark is your hair etc. But a razor blade can also be uncomfortable. It can cause minor wounds or sensitive spots on your skin. Using a shaving gel or moisturizing cream is good way how to feel calm.
Well, until you discover a epilator. This is a modern way of hair removal...